Thanks to Amalia for suggesting our next exciting photography adventures will be at the Downtown Austin Farmer’s Market. We meet there at 8 am to hopefully catch the folks setting up.
Where: SFC Farmer’s Market – Downtown, Republic Square Park, 4th and Guadalupe, Austin, TX
Parking locations: There are several options:
A. Limited (108) free parking spaces at 1/2 of surface lot just south of market
B. City Hall parking (2 blocks south Free before 5 pm).
C. Reduced paid parking at State Parking Garage at corner of 4th and Guadalupe $3 for the entire day, if you enter between 7 am to 11 am.
Meet location: Meet at the park on the corner of 4th and Guadalupe
Lunch location: Austin Java
When: Walk starts at 8 am on September 14, 2013
What: Socialize, Take photos, share photos!
Why: Community! Fun times
How: Socialize by coming. Bring your camera to take photos. Stay and share a meal and pass cameras around to see photos. You can also share online in the flickr group at Photowalk ATX Flickr group. If you are not a member yet, just request membership.
To fully participate please make sure to be properly hydrated, wear comfortable walking shoes, talk to someone you do not already know.
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